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6 ways to quit your job and never get laid off again

Oct 24, 2024
6 ways to quit your job and never get laid off again

If you’ve been wanting to quit your job and pursue a career you’re passionate about—you’re not alone.

68% of independent workers say that working independently is more secure than having a traditional job, and 60% of Gen Z find traditional 9-5 jobs "soul-sucking."

We recently interviewed Lia Haberman on our 9-5 Quitters Club podcast. Lia quit her corporate job search and pushed through after being laid off by going all in on her side hustle.

In this post, we'll break down the actionable steps Lia Haberman took to build her business and provide insights you can use to do the same. 

Whether you're eyeing a side hustle, building an audience, or transitioning from corporate life, you’re sure to learn something new from Lia’s six ways to recover after a layoff.

How Lia Haberman recovered after being laid off

What started as a side project—her newsletter, ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) —turned into a full-time business that now allows Lia Haberman to work on her own terms.

"I started writing my newsletter just as a hobby, but over time, it snowballed into something bigger. When I lost my second job during the pandemic, I realized I could turn this side project into a full-time business." – Lia Haberman

After being laid off twice during the pandemic, she took a hard look at her newsletter and realized it held more potential than she initially imagined. 

Instead of diving back into corporate life, she chose to build a sustainable career from her passion—proving that a layoff doesn’t have to be the end but rather the beginning of something greater.

1. See being laid off as a chance to reset

Who says a layoff has to be the end of your story? 

For Lia Haberman, getting laid off twice was the spark she needed to set fire to the rulebook and forge her own path. 

Instead of crawling back to the corporate grind, she took her side hustle—a humble but growing newsletter—and turned it into a full-blown business.

"I had gone through two layoffs, and at that point, it was clear the corporate world wasn’t going to offer the stability I needed. But by then, my newsletter had grown enough that I could see the potential in making it my full-time focus." – Lia Haberman

Because Lia had already invested time and effort into building something on the side, she didn’t have to scramble to find another corporate job when layoffs hit. 

She took a calculated risk and made the shift, fully committing to her newsletter. And that decision opened up a path to working on her own terms.

Her newsletter had already started building an audience, and brands were knocking at her door. The timing was right to take control.

If you’re in a similar boat, ask yourself: is the corporate world really as secure as it seems? Or is it time to stop playing by someone else’s rules and start paving your own path?

Her story shows that taking control and being ready to pivot when the time is right can lead to bigger, bolder success. 

What’s simply a side gig today might just become your primary source of income tomorrow once you’re ready to make the leap.

2. Building your financial foundation before you leap

Lia didn’t just wake up one day, flip off the corporate world, and walk away without a plan. Instead, her shift to full-time self-employment came after two layoffs during the pandemic, which forced her to rethink her career path. 

But she didn’t immediately jump into her side hustle full-time after the layoffs. She used the time to build a solid financial foundation while still seeking other work.

That meant waiting until her newsletter hit 10,000 subscribers when she was already bringing in brand sponsorships and consulting clients.

“I didn’t just wake up one day and quit my job. I waited until I had the savings and the audience to sustain me. By the time I made the leap, I had paying subscribers, sponsors, and consulting clients. That made it less risky.” – Lia Haberman

So, what’s the move here? Don’t feel pressured to quit your 9-5 without a plan.

Building a side hustle and getting a financial backup in place before you throw in the towel is a strategic way to quit your job without losing your mind over money. 

Start small, grow your base, and know when the timing is right. It’s about setting yourself up to succeed, not just running headfirst into chaos.

3. Be the mentor you never had

When Lia stepped into the world of creators, there wasn’t a roadmap handed to her. 

She didn’t have a mentor guiding her every step of the way, and that’s exactly why she’s so passionate about helping others now. 

She’s made it her mission to mentor students and up-and-coming creators, becoming the guide she wished she had when she started out.

“I didn’t have a lot of mentors when I was starting out, and that’s something I regret. Now I try to be the mentor I wish I had for the students and young creators I work with.” – Lia Haberman

The lesson here? You don’t have to do this alone. Whether you’re seeking advice or offering it, mentorship is a powerful tool for growth. 

Finding a community of like-minded people who support and lift each other up can make all the difference.

Teachable can help you find and give mentorship—while getting paid for what you know. 

Whether you’re looking to turn your knowledge into an income stream or start building your community, Teachable’s free plan gives you everything you need to kick things off. 

You can create and sell online courses, offer coaching, or even launch digital downloads, all with our no-code platform. So, if you're ready to make an impact and get paid on your terms, Teachable is the place to start.

Click here to learn more about Teachable’s free and paid plans.

4. Achieve financial freedom by working on what excites you

Freedom means you get to say “no” to what doesn’t serve you and “yes” to what lights you up. Once Lia hit that sweet spot of financial independence, she had the luxury to be choosy. The work that didn’t align with her values? Gone. The purposeful projects she’d been putting off for years? Prioritized.

“Now that I have financial security, I’m able to be selective. I only take on projects that resonate with me and my audience.” – Lia Haberman

Being able to choose your work isn’t just about the paycheck—it’s about deciding what drives your ambition. When you have control over what you do, work stops feeling like a grind and starts feeling like a passion you get to pursue every day.

5. Know your audience, grow your business

Let’s get real—success isn’t about guessing what your audience wants. It’s about knowing. Lia took the time to really understand her readers and give them exactly what they craved. It wasn’t about flashy gimmicks or chasing trends. It was about delivering real value that kept them coming back for more.

"My audience craves educational content. They want data, insights, and practical takeaways. That’s what keeps them engaged.” – Lia Haberman

What an audience might need or value:

  • Educational content: Tutorials, how-to guides, or deep dives into specific topics.
  • Inspiration and entertainment: Stories that evoke emotion or spark ideas, like success stories or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Community and interaction: Opportunities to connect, such as live Q&As, interactive polls, or discussion groups.
  • Tools and resources: Checklists, templates, or curated recommendations that make their lives easier.

Creative content ideas that stand out:

  • Monthly challenge that aligns with audience interests (e.g., a 30-day habit-building challenge).
  • Interactive workshops or webinars where participants can engage directly and get personalized insights.
  • Mini video series or reels on social media focused on quick, actionable tips.
  • Collaborations with other creators or industry experts to bring fresh perspectives.

How to get to know your audience practically:

  • Surveys and polls: Use tools like Google Forms or social media polls to ask your audience what they want to see.
  • Engage directly: Respond to comments and DMs to understand their needs better.
  • Analyze behavior: Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and engagement to see what resonates.
  • Create community spaces: Launch a private group or forum where your audience can share ideas and feedback.

If you’re serious about growing your business, you’ve got to dig deep into what your audience values. Figure out their needs, create content that speaks to them, and you’ll build the kind of loyalty that grows your brand.


6. Join the movement—become a Teachable creator

Lia’s story shows that leaving the 9-5 behind is possible—and it’s powerful. It's not just about walking away from a job—it’s about rejecting the idea that success has to fit into the mold of a traditional career.

You don’t have to go it alone. Whether you’re just getting started or ready to take your side hustle full-time, Teachable is here to help. 

With Teachable’s free plan, you can launch your first online course, digital download, or coaching service without any upfront costs. It's a powerful way to turn your knowledge into income while giving you the freedom to build your own path.

Teachable staff
Lia Haberman

Lia Haberman is a creator economy expert, advisor, and educator who has consulted for top brands like Google, AT&T, and Riot Games. She teaches social media and influencer marketing at UCLA Extension and runs ICYMI, a newsletter with 25K+ subscribers recognized by Buffer as one of the best marketing newsletters of 2023 and 2024. Featured in Wired and Fast Company, Lia helps creators turn insights into action and build sustainable careers.

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