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How to write an about me page (template and examples)

min read
Jan 17, 2023
Jan 20, 2023
How to write an about me page (template and examples)

Writing an about me page is similar to answering the common job interview question—”Tell me about yourself.” In the context of job interviews, people want to know your qualifications and experiences. What do you bring to the table? It’s a similar concept when writing an about me page for your personal brand or business.

An about me page is an important part of any website. When done well, it tells visitors everything they need to know about who you are, what you do, and why they should choose you. It also sets the tone for your business and helps you connect with your audience.

One of the hardest parts about how to write an about me page is getting started. To help, we’re sharing an about me template with tips and examples.

What is the purpose of an about me?

The about me is your elevator pitch. It is your chance to create a great first impression on potential students, clients, brand partners, and other visitors. When prospective clients come to the about me page, they should quickly learn who you are and why you are the best person for the job.

New visitors view it to get to know you, your experience and qualifications, and the value you offer. A well-written about me positions your professional brand and yourself as an authority. It also convinces prospective students or customers to stick around and eventually buy your online course, coaching services, digital downloads, or other products.

What to include in an about me

No two about me pages are the same, because every creator and brand is unique. However, they tend to share these core elements:

  • An introduction
  • A story
  • The value you provide
  • Niche or competitive advantage
  • Mission statement and values
  • Credibility or social proof

An introduction

This is an attention-grabbing summary of who you are and what you offer. It should build credibility by highlighting your most notable qualifications and experiences. The introduction needs to:

  • Capture the reader’s interest
  • Clearly explain how you can help
  • Highlight how you have helped others in the past
  • Be engaging and easy to read

Start off with an attention-grabbing statement. For example, if you have worked with well-known companies, you can name-drop a few (with permission).

Numbers also help grab attention and show past success. Instead of saying: “I help businesses scale”, say: “I’ve helped over 50 businesses scale to 7-figures”.

This will give potential clients, students, brands, and other collaborators confidence in your ability to deliver results. You should also consider tone and voice. A conversational tone in the introduction can make readers feel like they’re getting to know you. One that is professional and relatable can help you connect with your audience.

A story

Most great content is structured as a story that includes who, what, and why. It also has a challenge (climax) and a solution (result). The best about me pages also tell a story. They grasp the reader’s attention and keep them interested.

For example, an about me page for a personal finance coach might follow this storyline:

  • Intro – A personal finance coach
  • Challenge – Paying off student loan debt and gaining financial freedom
  • Solution/Result – Paid off $40,000 in student loans in two years

Their about me introduction may include:

  • I’m [name], a personal finance expert that paid off over $40,000 in student loans in two years. Now, I’ve coached more than 500 new grads to do the same—while also gaining financial freedom.

This is a condensed version, but you get the idea. Some creators make the mistake of writing a long story that doesn’t follow this format. They start with “I grew up in” or “I graduated in”, and give a play-by-play of their life. A story doesn’t mean your life story.

The value you provide

Even though it is called an about me page, it’s not all about you. If you focus too much on yourself and not on what you offer your audience, then they could lose interest.

Your audience wants to know what is most relevant to them. Going back to our story format, the solution and results can help show your value. But, remember this is about them as much as it is about you.

Paint a picture of how you can help people achieve their goals with your unique skills and qualifications. How will you transform their lives for the better? Make a list of all the goals or aspirations former clients or students have talked about or achieved. If you don’t have many clients yet, research your target audience and identify those pain points and goals.  

It’s a fine line to balance. However, once you know what those goals are, you can better show your value.

Niche or competitive advantage

Identify your niche and competitive advantage. For example, saying you teach investing is too broad to be a niche. Ellevest’s about page niches down on this and focuses on empowering women. Personal finance expert Erin Lowry of Broke Millennial clearly states that she helps “millennials like you get your financial life together”.

Secondly, show why you are the right choice for the person visiting your about page. Your competitive advantage could be anything from your area of expertise to your unique approach and resources.

By highlighting what sets you apart from competitors, you’ll be able to:

  • Showcase the aspects of your product or service that make it stand out
  • Demonstrate why customers should choose you over another company
  • Establish trust and authority with potential customers to increase sales
  • Demonstrate the value of your service

If you aren’t sure what this is yet, research other competitors. Look at their reviews and identify where customers were unhappy with their service. These can be gaps or opportunities for you to offer what your competitors lack.

Mission statement and values

Customers want to learn more about the people behind the products and services they buy and they go to the about me page to do it. Sharing your mission statement and core values helps establish a connection and build trust with your customers.

Your mission statement should articulate why your business exists and what you stand for. Core values can also help define who you are and how you do business. For example, a business that values “sustainability” and “transparency,” might provide customers with information about its climate impact and carbon footprint.

Credibility or social proof

Your about me page should show that you are credible, trustworthy, and qualified. However, people are more likely to believe you have those qualities when others are saying it about you.

One of the best ways to show credibility is to add testimonials to your website.

Testimonials provide social proof—people who have worked with you firsthand vouch for you, your services, and your results. Other ways that you can add social proof or credibility to your about me page include:

  • Online reviews – Highlight reviews on Google, TrustPilot, or other sites
  • Press features – Include a logo or link to features in respected, well-known publications and media
  • Customer videos – Video testimonials from customers get a lot of engagement and are authentic pieces of social proof
  • Social media mentions – Because they are harder to fake, people trust testimonials and reviews that you pull from social media. Of course, this shouldn’t include influencers that you pay, but real customers that voluntarily share their experience on social media. For example, Julian Shapiro and Lenny Rachitsky embed Twitter mentions on their about pages.
Twitter social proof

About me page examples

Below, you’ll find five of the best about me page examples to help you craft your own. Each website represents the creator or company’s brand and showcases why they are qualified.

1. Tori Dunlap

Tori dunlap about me

Teachable creator Tori Dunlap’s about me page exudes a consistent style and branding for her personal finance website. She makes sure to emphasize her unique value proposition by focusing on providing practical advice and resources that viewers can use in their own lives. She also has examples of her media appearances and awards, which add social proof to her page.

2. Brian Dean

brian dean about me example

Brian Dean at Backlinko’s about me page makes excellent use of headings and body copy that flows easily from one sentence to the next. The reader feels welcomed in with a brief intro about his philosophy and examples of what he’s achieved. He then dives into the specifics of his experience in SEO, other digital marketing skills, and his credentials.

3. Copyblogger

copyblogger about me page

Copyblogger’s about me page combines an attention-grabbing headline, visuals, and examples of its success over the years. The page provides an overview of Copyblogger’s history, its purpose, and a clear call to action. Since copywriting is its business, they make sure to include high-quality copy throughout the page.

4. Ryan Robinson

ryan robinson about me page example

Ryan Robinson from the Side Hustle places his CTA front-and-center on his page, briefly summarizing who he is and what he does. He explains why he’s the right person for the job, sharing his background and experience in digital marketing.

5. Pat Flynn

pat flynn about me


Pat Flynn’s about me page emphasizes story and values. He rewinds in time to the earlier days of his career, telling how he went from working in an architecture firm to becoming an internet entrepreneur. Pat reveals his vision and mission, the struggles he has gone through to reach where he is now, and how it has all been worth the effort.

How to write an about me page tips

With a few expert tips and an about me template, you can learn how to write an about me page that captures your personality. These tips will help you get started.

1. Make sure it is scannable

Eye tracking studies have shown that most people on the Internet scan online content rather than read it. According to Nielsen, people only read 20% to 28% of a webpage.

This means that you need to structure your content so that it is easy for people to scan and get the most important information. To make content scannable and dramatically improve readability, you can use:

  • Short paragraphs
  • Headings
  • Bulleted lists

By utilizing these techniques, you can create content that is more engaging for readers and makes it easier for them to understand your message.

2. Include imagery and videos

When you are designing a landing page—including the about me—copy is only part of the equation.

Studies also show that a visitor’s first impression of a website is 94% design-related. Within seconds, visitors form an impression of you and your business based on how your site looks and feels. In addition, 65% of people are visual learners.

Using imagery and videos on your landing pages attracts audiences, but also helps them remember the information better. Visuals also help to humanize you and your brand.

3. Add a CTA

For many creators, the about me is like a welcome page. Some sites even call it “Start Here” on the top navigation menu. It’s usually the first step visitors take. So, in addition to introducing yourself, you need to provide visitors with the next step. What do you want users to do next? That should be your call to action (CTA).

Because visitors to your about me page are likely in the early stages of their customer journey, they may not be ready to make a purchase yet. Your CTA should focus on how to move them through the funnel and provide more information.  

For example, Tori of Her First 100K uses a free quiz CTA. Visitors answer six questions about their financial concerns and aspirations. Then, they can have the results of their financial personality quiz sent to their emails.

tori dunlap about me quiz

There are two main benefits of a quiz CTA. You can build your email list and provide personalized advice to prospective customers. Other options for an about me CTA could be for visitors to:  

  • Subscribe to your newsletter
  • Book a discovery call
  • Sign up for a trial coaching session
  • Download a free digital download or mini-course
  • Fill out a client intake form

4. Include numbers

People love numbers on landing pages—it shows quantifiable results. Which of the below statements is more powerful?

  1. Without numbers – I started a company and now I help other entrepreneurs grow their businesses
  2. With numbers – I founded and grew [name of company], to $10 million in revenue. Now, I’ve helped over 500 entrepreneurs grow 7-figure businesses too.

Statistics and numbers highlight measurable results that people can expect from using your product or service. Other ways that you can include numbers on your about me page are by sharing:

  • The number of students or coaching clients
  • Customer results

Remember that customer results don’t always have to be about money. For instance, a career coach may share that they’ve helped 90% of their students land jobs.

5. Use power words

Power words help capture attention and evoke emotions. With the right words, you can demonstrate encouragement, trust, authority, urgency, and other emotions that influence a person’s buying decisions.

Once you have the first draft of your about me page, identify which emotions you want to evoke in your audience. Then, look for opportunities to include those power words in your copy.

6. Iterate

Over time, your about me will change and evolve—just like you. Regularly update your about me page when your brand or business changes. You should also routinely run tests to improve performance and conversions. These metrics can reveal how people are engaging with your about me and can signal if you should adjust your page design or copy.

  • Bounce rate – this measures the percentage of visitors that immediately leave or “bounce” after clicking on your page. An excellent bounce rate ranges from 26% to 40%. If your bounce rate is over 70%, consider how to improve it.
  • Time on page – this is the amount of time someone spends on a page before they leave. This can vary greatly depending on your industry, but typically you want visitors to spend more than a minute.
  • Clicks and conversions – How many people complete your CTA? This also varies greatly depending on the CTA and industry.

If people are immediately leaving or not staying long on your about me page, it may need a refresh. It might not be resonating with your audience or answering their most important questions. On the other hand, if someone is spending several minutes on a page, it can signal it is highly engaging to your audience.

About me template

Introduction Tell people who you are, what you do, and why they should care.
Story In addition to the intro, your story should include the challenge and result.
Value What are you offering and how will it change their life?
Niche and competitive advantage What specifically sets you apart from others in your industry?
Mission What is your primary goal?
Credibility What evidence or proof shows you’re qualified to do this?

Coach about me template

Intro: I’m [Name]. I am a [your area of expertise/what you coach] coach.

Story: I [the challenge you faced, how you overcame it, and your results/transformation].

Value: I help my clients [your value/results clients can expect]

Niche and competitive advantage: Your specific target audience and unique qualifications

Mission: Add your core set of values in a bulleted list

Credibility: Include press features, reviews, and other social proof

Career coach about me example

I’m Rachel, a former big tech executive and now your personal career coach. After graduating college, I applied to hundreds of product management jobs online and got zero responses. I stopped applying online and developed a 5-step system to go from networking to job offers in 60 days. With it, I got interviews and offers at top companies like Google, TikTok, Amazon, and more.

I’ve helped over 300 clients get product jobs at top companies and land promotions so they get paid their full worth.

CTA: Fill out your career quiz

It’s time to write your own about me page

Now that you have the tips and about me templates to get started, it’s time to create your own. Give your target audience all the information they need to know you and your business better, by going through this checklist.

  • Introduce yourself – Who are you, and how did you become an expert in your field?
  • Describe what services you offer –  What do you specialize in?
  • Explain how you help clients – How do your services benefit people?
  • Include a headshot and a list of credentials – What qualifications do you have?
  • Provide proof of how you solve problems – What results have you achieved?
  • Include a call to action – How should people contact you?

You can add your own personality, as long as you’re genuine about who you are and what you do.

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