How to come up with your profitable course idea

How to come up with your profitable course idea
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We’ve broken course creation down to a science and created a formulaic course creation process. And the first step every time? Coming up with your profitable course idea. Our guess is, you’ve already got a vague idea of what you’d like to create your online course about. You’ve got your own interests and passions, and perhaps you already have an online business. But, let’s take your vague idea and turn it into a profitable course idea.

The key here is to marry your passions and skills with your audience’s wants and needs. In most cases, it’s best to start with what you already have.

If you’re already a coach or teacher

You can transform an existing curriculum or program into an online course. Which of your programs are the most popular? What questions do your clients ask you the most? Chances are, your existing clientele has already told you exactly what kind of course you should create. If they’re interested in your expertise in coaching form, they’ll be interested in course form, too.

If you’re already a content creator

Look to your analytics. Which pieces of content are getting the most engagement and traffic? It’s likely that you’ll be viewed as an expert on your high traffic topics by your audience. You can also look to your comments and social media messages. Which questions are people asking you? Do you hear one or two questions over and over again? That might be a good place to start for narrowing down a course topic.

If you’re starting from zero

First thing’s first: Congratulations on beginning this new adventure! Things are about to get very exciting for you. With your clean slate, you can build a brand and create a course on any topic at all. Figure out what you love to do and what you could teach people. Now try and figure out where the two overlap.

From there, you need to refine your profitable course idea. Luckily, that’s something our free Profitable Course Idea Workbook will walk you through. Get it below.


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