How Sade Kelly helps people reclaim the precious resource of time

One creator’s mission to make the most out of every moment

Going all in

Balancing a career, a social life, and everything in between with a smile can sound like a pipedream, but that’s exactly what Sade Kelly helps ambitious people to do.

When 2020 hit, Sade went all in on her time management coaching business: The Fire Inside. It wasn’t her first go at entrepreneurship, but this time, something just clicked. In just five months she was able to quit her full-time corporate job and fully immersed herself in her business.

Sade realized that she would need a repeatable way of delivering her program material (especially her videos) without relying on dozens of tools. 

That’s when she found Teachable.

Quation Mark
When I found Teachable, it was just a beautiful marriage between us two. It was such a simple platform to use. It was affordable. I just love the interface. It was just so simple to figure it out. I wanted different capabilities in terms of having my community, having a very easy login, being able to see how many videos that people are watching is what I really liked about Teachable and I just loved how simple it was.”
Sade Kelly
The Fire Inside

Making the most of every moment

Sade knew she needed a platform as dynamic and accessible as her coaching style. Teachable became that platform, enabling her to share her expertise far and wide. 

Sade used several Teachable features to bring her program to life such as…

  • Centralized video hosting 
  • On-demand course hosting
  • Community engagement
  • Student progress analytics

Through Teachable, Sade found a solution to her logistical challenges and also a way to magnify her reach and effectiveness.

Quation Mark
I just love Teachable as a whole. I love the team. It feels like they actually support creators. I think they do really great work for entrepreneurs, for creators, for people who want to capitalize on their knowledge and package it. I like that you can customize that I can get people in, give them access to a certain amount of time and let them out. And there's also a bunch of different payment options that you can do.”
Sade Kelly
The Fire Inside

Sade Kelly’s favorite Teachable features

Next-level creative efficiency and student engagement

See how Sade tapped into Teachable’s full range of features to craft the perfect programs for her audience. She used these tools to boost buyer confidence, deliver valuable coaching material, and connect deeply with her community.

Video hosting

Create an easily searchable library of video content with unlimited video hosting.

Interactive interface with analytics

Drip content that syncs up with specific access times, and video watch-through analytics allow for data-driven insights and learnings.

Student payment options

Multiple payment options, such as payment plans, BNPL, or subscriptions, make programs more accessible.

Fan your creative spark into a flame with Teachable

Take back control of your time with a knowledge-based business.